Rabbi Hoffman in the
Utah Wilderness

Rabbi Henoch Dov [Howard] Hoffman
In addition to his private counseling practice, Rabbi Henoch Dov leads
study groups and Spiritual-Journey expeditions in Denver, Boulder, Utah,
Australia, and Israel.
- Psychodrama therapist with families, couples and individuals since 1987
- Teaching Torah, Kabbalah, Jewish History and Talmud since 1987 in Denver
and Boulder
- Rabbi and pastoral counselor since 1990
- Teaching adults at Shalom al Yisroel, Kohelet, Talmudic Research Institute, and Kehilath Aish Kodesh for since 1985
- Training, internship and facilitation of group therapy with Dr. Carl
Hollander at the Colorado Psychodrama Institute - 1980 until present
- Psychodrama therapist certification 1980. Pastoral counselor - 1992
until present
- Talmudic studies and rabbinical training with Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach
and Rabbi Shloime Twerski, 1972-1994; Rabbinical ordination received
in 1992.
- Finished course work towards a Ph.D. in Education at University of
Colorado at Boulder, 1971-1978.
- M.A. Antioch - Putney Graduate School, Yellow Springs, Ohio, 1968-1969.
- B.A. Cum Laude, Comparative Religion, Dartmouth College, Hanover,
New Hampshire, 1964-1968.
Here is a 1979 Newspaper story about Rabbi Hoffman's
Urban Survival Course